2105 - Creek Valley Reconstruction
Lead Engineer : Luke Zellmer
E-mail: lzellmer@rfcengineering.com
(763) 862 - 8000

7/16/24 - The project has been accepted by the City and the one-year maintenance period has commenced.

7/8/24 - The project will be accepted at the 7/15/24 City Council meeting and commence the one-year warranty period.

4/17/24 - The Contractor is planning on reseeding the site on Friday 4/19/24, weather permitting.

9/27/23 - The seeding sub-contractor has informed me that they will be doing dormant seeding on the site this fall. A date has not been established yet, but they have said that it will be done by the end of October. The reason they are doing the dormant seed is to prevent the seed from growing for 3-4 weeks and then being killed by the frost before it has a chance to establish enough to survive winter. The crabgrass that has grown is an annual plant and does not withstand cold weather well. Doing the dormant seeding will help give the grass an upper hand over the crabgrass in the spring as well as help prevent having to use herbicides to remove the crabgrass.

8/23/23 - After consulting with a pavement specialist at MNDOT, the tire marks that are being left within the pavement are from a phenomenon known as "scuffing". Scuffing can occur in new pavements and the hot weather does play a small part in causing the continued scuffing. Scuffing can be minimized by not turning your tires sharply while your vehicle is stopped or traveling at low speeds. Since the pavement is new, it has not had the chance to oxidize yet. Oxidation will happen with time and as the weather cools, the chances for scuffing to occur will diminish. While the tire marks can be an eye sore compared to the smoother finish of the un-scuffed areas, it is purely a cosmetic issue and does not affect the structural integrity of the pavement.

8/23/23 - A punch list for the project was sent to the contractor for items that require correction. Two of the items on the list were turf establishment and removal of the silt fence. A few yards have established crab grass and other weed with in the seeded areas; those types of weeds are not considered to be permanent turf establishment and will be corrected. The silt fence will be removed by the contractor, but since the silt fence was done by a sub-contractor, the removal won't be done until the sub-contractor has the time available to perform the task. Dates for the completion of the punch list items has not been determined yet.

7/31/23 - Silt fence shall remain up until turf has been established to a minimum of 70% across the area. 70% turf establishment is determined by the engineer and watershed.

7/11/23 - Mail boxes are planned to be installed on Wednesday 7/19/23.

7/10/23 - The final lift of paving is scheduled for Thursday 7/13/23. The contractor will be on-site on Wednesday 7/12/23 to sweep the streets in preparation for the paving. Please have all vehicles moved off of the street by Thursday morning at 7:00 am. Please avoid overnight parking on the street Thursday night.

7/10/23 - Seeding will be finished up today.

6/22/23 - For residents who are looking to reinstall their landscaping or sprinkler systems, it is recommended to wait until after the 7/1/23. After this date all major work should be completed with the exception of turf establishment. Waiting until after 7/1/23 will help prevent accidental damage your new landscaping or sprinkler system.

6/22/23 - Boulevard restoration is planned for Friday 6/23/23 and Saturday 6/24/23. This will include debris removal, grading and reinstalling the topsoil.

6/19/23 - Due to mechanical issues within the paving company, paving has been postponed for the day. Paving for the bituminous driveways will now be Tuesday 6/20/23 and Wednesday 6/21/23.

6/19/23 - Bituminous driveways are planned to be paved Today 6/19/23 and Tuesday 6/20/23. Please avoid overnight parking (for 1 night) on the portion of the driveway that is freshly paved to help avoid tire marks within the pavement. Once driveways are finished, the contractor will be cleaning up and repairing all disturbed areas. Seeding will follow shortly after. Silt fence will remain in place until the turf has been sufficiently established (determined by the project engineer) and will then be removed afterwards.

6/9/23 - Paving is scheduled for Tuesday 6/13/23. Please have all vehicles moved off of the street Tuesday morning and avoid overnight parking on the road for Tuesday night.

6/6/23 - Class 5 (gravel) is being installed this week. This will bring the road up to be around 2-3 inches below the curb. The first lift of paving is planned to be done on Tuesday 6-13-23. Bituminous driveways are also planned to be paved that week as well. Concrete driveways should be strong enough to be driven on by Thursday. The contractor will remove the caution tape when the driveways are ready to be driven on.

6/2/23 - Curb and concrete driveways have finished being installed. You can park your vehicles next to the curb. For bituminous driveways, gravel ramps are being installed to allow access back to your driveways. For concrete driveways, caution tape has been placed around the new portion of your driveway. You will be able to drive on the new driveways once the caution tape has been removed, generally around 7 days after it has been poured.

5/24/23 - Storm installation is done. Grading of the roadway is progressing and should be done by Thursday or Friday morning. As a reminder, curb installation is planned to begin Tuesday, May 30th at 7:00AM. Please have all the vehicles you will require for the week, moved to one of the marked locations on the map provided with the notice.

5/16/23 - Curb installation is planned to begin 5/30/23 at 7:00AM. Notices have been sent out and can be found here: Notice. Please have any vehicle you will need for that week moved out of your driveway/garage to the parking areas shown on the map provided with the notice, as you will not be able to drive into your driveways for a minimum of 72 hours once curb is installed. Concrete driveways are planned to be poured on 6/1/23. The contractor will provide gravel ramps, after 72 hours, for all bituminous driveways to allow access back into your driveways.

5/3/23 - Storm pipes and storm structures are being delivered to the site today and will continue to be until storm installation is completed. Drive slowly and use extra caution while driving through the site to prevent any accidents from occurring.

5/3/23 - Mailboxes have been temporarily relocated to areas outside of the construction limits for the remainder of construction. If you live on 146th Avenue your mailbox has been relocated directly across Radisson Road by address 2216 146th Ave. If you live on 145th Ave, London St, or Kenyon/Isanti St; your mailbox has been relocated to the corner of 145th Ave and 144th Lane by 2124 144th Lane. Your existing mailbox supports have been pulled out of the ground and placed on your property, they are yours to do with as you please.

5/2/23 - Silt fence will be installed on the project Thursday/Friday. Please do not tamper with or remove the silt fence along the project. At times it may become an obstacle while doing lawn care, but it is there to prevent sediment and debris from running off site.

5/2/23 - Tree clearing is expected to begin Thursday for the areas marked within the plans. The area will be localized to a small area by the pipe outlet on 145th Ave and by the creek. Surveyors will be on-site Thursday to stake out storm structures. Storm installation is planned to begin Monday, May 8th. During storm install, the road may be unpassable at times during the day due to the installation, however by the end of every day access will be restored to all homes on the project.

4/27/23 - Douglas-Kerr will be starting construction Monday 5/1/23. They will be reclaiming all of the roadways within the project limits. Please refrain from parking any and all vehicles on the streets from 7 am to 7 pm Monday - Friday until the end of construction. Updates about the construction will be continuously placed, here on the website, throughout the construction. Once the roadway has been reclaimed the driving surface will remain rough until the site is repaved. Use extra caution while driving through the construction area, especially during storm events, as on-site conditions will be rougher than you are used to.

4/10/23 - Xcel Energy will be installing a new gas main along 145th Ave starting 4/12/2023. Construction is planned to begin once road restrictions are taken off. A closer construction start date will be provided later this month. Letters regarding construction and dates will be sent out to residents this month.

9/27/22 - Some utility relocation will be happening on the site to avoid conflicts with the construction next year. Comcast is already done with their relocates and will clean up/reseed after themselves. The City will come and remove the survey lath.

8/8/22 - The prime contractor, Douglas-Kerr Underground, has indicated construction will not commence until Spring 2023. Tree stumps will be removed by Rivard Contracting in conjunction with Public Works in upcoming weeks.

6/16/22 - Notices have been sent out via mail to inform residents of updated project timelines.

3/11/22 - Rivard Construction will be performing the tree clearing portion of the road construction project due to the Ham Lake Oak Wilt requirement that no oak trees are to be removed between April 1st and July 15th.

Adam Kerr - Project Superintendent - (320)-515-1290

Approved Plans


The above information will be maintained as up to date as possible.